€ 120,99

Anthology: The Complete Story (Box, Limited Edition, 8 CDs)


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8CD box set limited to strictly 500 units worldwide. Bricklin will be best known to AOR fans for their massive cult anthem 'Walk Away' and their much-loved debut album 'Bricklin', but there has always been so much more to the band. From Schoolboys to Bricklin to Martin's Dam, the core has always been brothers Brian and Scott Bricklin and together with MelodicRock Classics, are finally putting all their recorded work together in one place for the first time - with an absolute plethora of additional demos and unreleased songs. Bricklin - Anthology - The Complete Story (1979-1999) gathers the Bricklin debut and both Martin's Dam albums along with the best of their song recordings over the years, the majority of which were previously unreleased until now. We also get a dive back into the start of the brothers' work in their first band Schoolboys. This 8CD Deluxe Box Set leaves no stone unturned in showcasing the guys' unique writing style. As a special treat for Bricklin fans, MRC and the band are excited to announce that Disc 2 of the set will include a brand new 2023 Bricklin song - 'Backseat Driver', which will be released as a single soon!


Interpreten Bricklin
Genre Pop, Rock
Inhalt 8 CDs
Erscheinungsdatum 07.06.2024
Edition Box, Limited Edition





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