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Castle - Season 7 (6 DVDs)

Englisch · DVD

UK Version

Versand in der Regel in 1 bis 2 Wochen

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The wedding bells are ringing, but will Castle and Beckett really tie the knot? An astonishing turn of events tears television's most loveable couple apart in a captivating new season of ABC's beloved and inspired series. Experience every unforgettable moment with Castle: The Complete Seventh Season. On the biggest day of his life, Castle is nowhere to be found... and it's not because he has cold feet. Now, in a season of brilliant twists and turns, Castle and Beckett take on New York City's most fascinating cases while they try to solve the mystery of their own relationship. Join them as they hunt for an "Invisible Man" with psychic powers and witness the return of their deadly rival, Dr. Kelly Nieman. Then dive even deeper into the fantastic world of Castle with exclusive bonus features available only on DVD!


Schauspieler Nathan Fillion, Stana Katic, Susan Sullivan, Seamus Dever
Label Walt Disney
Genre Drama
Inhalt 6 DVDs
Altersfreigabe ab 15 Jahren
Erscheinungsdatum 16.11.2015
Ton Englisch (Dolby Digital)
Bildformat 16/9
Originaltitel Castle
Version UK Version
Ländercode 2

Cast & Crew


  • Castle 7

    Am 03. Dezember 2015 von Sangita geschrieben.
    Diese Kundenrezension bezieht sich auf eine alternative Version.

    Cette saison est superbe avec pleines de surprises. J'ai BCP aimée

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