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Pride and Prejudice / Death Comes To Pemberley (BBC, Gift Set, Special Edition, 3 DVDs)

Englisch · DVD

UK Version

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Death Comes to Pemberley:
It is the eve of the Darcys’ annual Lady Anne ball at their magnificent Pemberley home and Elizabeth’s fifth ball as lady of the house. Darcy and Elizabeth are relaxing with their guests after supper when the festivities are brought to an abrupt halt. A scream calls them to the window and a hysterical Lydia Bennet tumbles out of a carriage screaming murder. What follows is the sombre discovery of a dead man in Pemberley woods, a brother accused of murder, and the beginning of a nightmare which will threaten to engulf Pemberley and all the Darcy’s hold dear. BBC’s new drama based on P.D. James’ follow-up to “Pride and Prejudice”

Pride and Prejudice:
With its outstanding performances and stunning visuals, Pride and Prejudice plunges the viewer in to a 19th century world of grand country estates , eligible bachelors, and exquisite soirees. Elizabeth Bennett, a spirited and independent young woman, is the subject of her mother’s obsessive goal to marry off¬ her daughters to the wealthiest gentlemen available. But Mrs Bennett’s plan is compromised with the arrival of the proud and enigmatic Mr Darcy, as he and Lizzie embark on one of the most famous and compelling romances in history.


Schauspieler Colin Firth, Jennifer Ehle, Susannah Harker, Eleanor Tomlinson, Jenna Coleman, Matthew Rhys, Anna Maxwell Martin, Matthew Goode
Label Bbc Worldwide
Genre Drama
Inhalt 3 DVDs
FSK / Altersfreigabe ab 12 Jahren
Erscheinungsdatum 10.02.2014
Edition Gift Set, Special Edition, BBC
Ton Englisch (Dolby Digital)
Bildformat 16/9
Version UK Version
Ländercode 2

Cast & Crew


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