
Arrow - Seasons 1-4 (16 Blu-rays)

Englisch · Blu-ray

UK Version

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After being gone for five years, during which he suffered unimaginable ordeals, billionaire Oliver Queen returned home to Starling City with a mysterious agenda and a set of new skills that he uses in a war on crime in this hard-hitting action series. Reinventing the DC Comics character for a modern-day audience, the Arrow is not a super hero... but a hero - every bit as formidable as the criminals he's hunting. Determined to right his city's wrongs and sworn to bring justice to those who have corrupted it, Oliver (aka The Arrow) - with the help of former military vet John Diggle, the tech-savvy Felicity Smoak, billionaire inventor Ray Palmer, lawyer-turned-vigilante Laurel Lance and the newest member of the team, his sister Thea -- protects the people most in need and acts as a weapon of justice against those who prey upon them. Uneasy alliances and rivalries shift as Oliver faces his most difficult challenge yet - facing Ra's al Ghul and the League of Assassins.


Schauspieler Stephen Amell, Willa Holland, Katie Cassidy, David Ramsey, Paul Blackthorne, Emily Bett Rickards
Genre Action
Inhalt 16 Blu-rays
FSK / Altersfreigabe ab 16 Jahren
Erscheinungsdatum 05.09.2016
Ton Englisch (Dolby Digital)
Bildformat 16/9
Version UK Version
Ländercode B

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