€ 52,99

Puccini - Tosca (Arthaus Musik)

Inglese · 4K Ultra HD

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Tosca – the epitome of Italian opera. It is a thrilling story about desire, passion and death. A story about one beloved woman and two men, who fight a duel – one of them is an angel and the other one a demon. Benoît Jacquot, the successful French film director, does not create a stage performance but an opera for the cinema in 2001. A bold idea and an exciting venture – he loves his actors, the close-up shots and he has developed his own style as it turned out in many other of his films before. The result is a wonderful production of one of Puccini’s greatest operas with an amazing set design, beautiful costumes and an emotional performance by Angela Gheorghiu and Roberto Alagna, the opera dream couple at that time, in the main roles and Ruggero Raimondi as counterpart.

Dettagli sul prodotto

Compositori Giacomo Puccini (1858-1924)
Interpreti Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Sir Antonio Pappano, Angela Gheorghiu, Roberto Alagna, Ruggero Raimondi, Maurizio Muraro, Enrico Fissore, David Cangelosi, Sorin Coliban, Gwynne Howell
Genere Classique > Opera
Contenuto 4K Ultra HD
Età consigliata 6 anni
Data pubblicazione 15.09.2017
Edizione Arthaus Musik
Audio Versione originale con sottoti (DTS HD Master Audio 5.1), Versione originale con sottoti (PCM Stereo)
Sottotitoli Italiano, Inglese, Tedesco, Francese, Coreano
Durata 125 Minuti
Formato 16/9
Anno di produzione 2001
Codice regionale A, B, C


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