
En savoir plus

The first prehistoric family is ready for another rocking adventure! The Croods have survived fanged beasts, natural disasters, and even young love, but now they must face their biggest challenge yet: another family! In search of a new home, the Croods discover a walled-in paradise created by the sophisticated Betterman family (emphasis on the "better"). As they try to coexist, the differences between the two families escalate into a full-blown feud, but when a new threat forces both families to embark on an epic adventure, they must all learn to work together…or they'll all go extinct! Nicolas Cage, Emma Stone, Ryan Reynolds, and Peter Dinklage star in this hilarious animated comedy for the whole family!

Détails du produit

Réalisateur Joel Crawford
Label Universal Pictures
Genre Aventure
Contenu DVD
Date de parution 18.10.2021
Audio Anglais (Dolby Digital)
Format écran 16/9
Année de production 2020
Titre original The Croods: A New Age
Version UK Version
Code régional 2

Acteurs & équipe tournage

Commentaires des clients

  • cooler

    Écrit le 25. novembre 2021 par k.olsson.
    Ce commentaire concerne une autre version.

    noch schriler und noch bunter

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