€ 32,49

Josh - Series One

Anglais · DVD

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En savoir plus

Josh is trapped. He’s a grumpy old man in the body of a twenty-something, a potentially brilliant boyfriend who can’t get a date and, worst of all, he lives in a flat with the world’s two most frustrating friends. There’s Owen, a romantic Welshman whose only interest is boring Josh about when he met Tasmin Archer or bought Lenny Kravitz’s deckchair; and Kate, who wants to be seen as one of the cool kids but, well… isn’t. And then there’s Geoff. A landlord who for some reason thinks it’s also his job to teach Josh to swim or get him on stage with Paul and Barry Chuckle. All Josh wants is a quiet life, and it would probably happen if it wasn’t for his bad luck, bad judgement and bad mates.

Détails du produit

Acteur Josh Widdicombe, Beattie Edmondson, Elis James, Jack Dee
Label Bbc Worldwide
Genre Comédie
Contenu DVD
Âge recommandé à partir de 15 ans
Date de parution 05.09.2016
Audio Anglais (Dolby Digital)
Durée 135 Minutes
Format écran 16/9
Code régional 2

Acteurs & équipe tournage

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