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Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) (Kino Lorber Studio Classics, n/b, Édition Spéciale)

Anglais · Blu-ray

US Version | Code régional A
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Paraît le 16.07.2024

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En savoir plus

“They’re already here! You’re next!” With these chilling words, Invasion of the Body Snatchers sounded the clarion call to the dangers of conformity, paranoia and mass hysteria at the heart of 1950s American life. One of the greatest and most influential science fiction films ever made, Invasion stars Kevin McCarthy (Nightmare, Mirage) as Miles Bennell, a doctor in a small California town whose patients are becoming increasingly overwrought, accusing their loved ones of being emotionless imposters. They’re right! Plant-like extraterrestrials have invaded Earth, taking possession of humans as they sleep and replicating them in giant seed pods. Convinced that a catastrophic pandemic is imminent, Bennell, in a terrifying race for his life, must warn the world of this deadly invasion of the pod people—before it’s too late! This is the original adaptation of Jack Finney’s eerie tale, produced by Walter Wanger (Scarlet Street, Cleopatra) and directed by Don Siegel (Dirty Harry, Charley Varrick) in beautiful black-and-white Superscope. One of the mightiest cult classics of cinema is now scarier and timelier than ever!

This special edition features the film in two aspect ratios, 2.00:1 and 1.85:1.

Product Extras :
Brand New HD Masters - From a New 4K Scan of the Best Available 35mm Elements
Includes Both the 2.00:1 and 1.85:1 Version in Newly Remastered 1080P HD
Audio Commentary by Actor Kevin McCarthy and Dana Wynter, Moderated by Legendary Filmmaker Joe Dante
Audio Commentary by Film Historian Richard Harland Smith
NEW Audio Commentary by Film Historians Steve Mitchell and Nathaniel Thompson
NEW Audio Commentary by Professor and Film Scholar Jason A. Ney
The Fear is Real: Featurette (12:26)
The Stranger in Your Lover’s Eyes: Featurette (11:54)
I No Longer Belong – The Rise and Fall of Walter Wanger: Featurette (21:08)
1956 and 1978 Theatrical Trailers
Dual-Layered BD50 Disc
Optional English Subtitles

Détails du produit

Réalisateur Don Siegel
Acteur Kevin McCarthy, Dana Wynter, Larry Gates
Genre Horreur
Science fiction
Contenu Blu-ray
Date de parution 16.07.2024
Édition n/b, Édition Spéciale, Kino Lorber Studio Classics
Audio Anglais
Durée 80 Minutes
Année de production 1956
Titre original Invasion of the Body Snatchers
Version US Version
Code régional A

Acteurs & équipe tournage

Commentaires des clients

  • grauselig!

    Écrit le 12. mars 2013 par buzz.
    Ce commentaire concerne une autre version.

    erst heile welt... und dann zieht sich die schlinge langsam enger und enger zu. klaustrophobisch!
    kult - ist ein meisterwerk!!!

  • Die Dämonischen

    Écrit le 30. septembre 2006 par MM.
    Ce commentaire concerne une autre version.

    Ist ein sagenhafter, ungeheuer dichter Film! Da es sich um einen B-Produktion handelt, lebt der Film von der "Geschichte" und nicht von lauten special-effects.

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