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The Go Between (1971) (Vintage Classics)

Anglais · DVD

UK Version

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En savoir plus

Based on the novel by L.P Hartley and adapted by Harold Pinter, The Go-Between stars Julie Christie as Marian, about to be engaged to Hugh (Edward Fox), a well-bred viscount and her perfect match. Over the course of a sweltering Norfolk summer in 1900, young Leo (Dominic Guard), becomes besotted with the vivacious Marian whilst staying at their house. Innocent of romantic and sexual matters, he unwittingly becomes a pawn in the forbidden romance between her and eminently unsuitable local farmer Ted Burgess (Alan Bates). As the oppressive heat intensifies so too does Leon's burgeoning adolescent questioning of love, attraction and the rules of the upper class that he doesn't really belong to. Both a beautifully subtle critique of the English class system and a visual masterpiece that perfectly captures the timeless beauty of an English Edwardian summer, The Go-Between won director Joseph Losey the Grand Prix (now the Palme D'Or) at Cannes Film Festival in 1971.

Détails du produit

Réalisateur Joseph Losey
Acteur Julie Christie, Alan Bates
Label Studio Canal
Genre Drame
Contenu DVD
Âge recommandé à partir de 6 ans
Date de parution 16.09.2019
Édition Vintage Classics
Audio Anglais (Dolby Digital)
Format écran 16/9
Année de production 1971
Titre original The Go-Between
Version UK Version
Code régional 2

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