
En savoir plus

'Kingsman: The Secret Service' (2015) follows Harry Hart, a top member of a secret spy agency in London, as he notices the potential in young street kid Eggsy. Harry devotes his time to proving to his colleagues that the wayward youth has what it takes to be a Kingsman. With decades of experience and tricks of the trade to pass on to his protégé, has Harry got the stamina to teach the former petty criminal how to be a super spy? In the sequel, 'Kingsman: The Golden Circle' (2017), after the Kingsman headquarters in London are destroyed in an explosion, they discover that the organisation behind the attack is the notorious Golden Circle, led by criminal mastermind Poppy. As they prepare to travel to America to confront and take down Poppy and her crew, the Kingsmen contact their American counterparts, Statesman, who agree to help them in their quest. Although they have the same agenda - save the world - the Kingsmen and the Statesmen have very different methods and values but they must put these aside and work together if they stand any chance of bringing down the Golden Circle.

Détails du produit

Réalisateur Matthew Vaughn
Acteur Taron Egerton, Colin Firth, Mark Strong, Samuel L. Jackson, Sofia Boutella, Julianne Moore, Channing Tatum, Halle Berry, Jeff Bridges, Pedro Pascal
Label 20th Century Studios
Genre Action
Contenu 2 Blu-ray
Âge recommandé à partir de 15 ans
Date de parution 29.01.2018
Audio Anglais (Dolby Digital)
Format écran 16/9
Liste des films Kingsman - The Secret Service, Kingsman 2 - The Golden Circle
Titre original Kingsman: The Secret Service / Kingsman: The Golden Circle
Version UK Version
Code régional B

Acteurs & équipe tournage

Commentaires des clients

  • Kingsman: The Secret Service / The Golden Circle

    Écrit le 14. juin 2023 par Lexy.
    Ce commentaire concerne une autre version.

    Unterhaltsame moderne Action Agenten Filme mit tollen Darstellern und guten Fights. Bisweilen etwas übertrieben, aber mit coolem Soundtrack!

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