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Lost Soul - The Doomed Journey of Richard Stanley's Island of Dr. Moreau (2014)

Anglais · Blu-ray

US Version | Code régional A
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En savoir plus

In 1995, visionary writer/director Richard Stanley (HARDWARE, DUST DEVIL) got the green light for his dream project: An epic adaptation of H.G. Wells' 'The Island Of Doctor Moreau' starring Marlon Brando and Val Kilmer. But only days into production, an unprecedented storm of natural disasters, monstrous egos and disturbing imagery - along with chaos, insanity and witchcraft - would trigger perhaps the most infamous behind-the-scenes catastrophe in modern movie history. Now director/producer David Gregory (THE THEATRE BIZARRE, PLAGUE TOWN) reveals the untold story behind "one of the all-time greatest cinematic train wrecks" (Variety) in this "wonderfully weird and gripping" (Entertainment Weekly) documentary featuring never-before-seen footage, startling new interviews with actors Fairuza Balk and Rob Morrow, studio executives, crew members and - for the first time ever - the notoriously reclusive Stanley himself, plus nearly 2 hours of exclusive Bonus Features.

Détails du produit

Réalisateur David Gregory
Acteur Fairuza Balk, Hugh Dickson, Peter Elliott
Genre Documentaire > Art, Architecture, Design
Documentaire > Divers
Contenu Blu-ray
Date de parution 14.07.2015
Audio Anglais
Sous-titres Anglais
Année de production 2014
Version US Version
Code régional A

Acteurs & équipe tournage

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