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On December 10 1936 King Edward VIII King of England, gave it all up-ostensibly for the love of a woman. No man has ever sacrificed so much to enable himself to marry, but the Duke of Windsor gave up Crown and Country for Mrs Wallis Simpson. Practically everyone knows the great love story of how the two met, becam e lovers and married. But what is less well known is what happened next, the enormous fall out his actions caused, the remendous shock it was to the rest of the Royal Family and what it meant for the Queen. Mother and her husband, George VI as he was forced to take ont he mande of King. We follow the travels, and the strange twists and turns of fortune that dogged the years after the Duke`s abdication: The controversy of meeting Hitler, the years spent in the Bahamas, France and New York, the years spent with no real role, no power and noch children. This is the inside story of what happened to Edward and Wallis Windsor, told first hand by those who knew them, those who dined with them, paid for thier meals and hired their limousines. it is a srylish and emotional glimpse into a life spent in exile, it is a living tragedy pleyed out at the highest level.