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A group of young tourists venturing to a remote Greek island become the victims of a murderous, cannibalistic creature. As they explore the island's abandoned town they become increasingly disturbed at what they discover, only to race back to their boat to find it cut adrift. When they head to a mansion on the island they unearth some clues about their stalker's identity. But this is only the start of their horror...

Product details

Director Joe D'Amato
Actor Tisa Farrow, Saverio Vallone, Serena Grandi, Margaret Mazzantini, Mark Bodin, Bob Larson, Rubina Rey, George Eastman
Label 88 films
Genre Horror
Content Blu-ray
FSK / age rating from age 18
Publication date 08.07.2024
Audio English, Italian
Subtitles English
Length 92 Minutes
Year of production 1980
Original title Antropophagus (Italian)
Version UK Version
Region code B

Cast & Crew

Customer reviews

  • cut

    Written on 09. December 2006 by spider666.
    This customer review refers to a alternative version.

    cut cut cut!!!!!!auch uncut noch lange nicht so gut wie cannibal ferox

  • Langfassung oder Kurzfassung...

    Written on 24. October 2005 by R. v. Locksley.
    This customer review refers to a alternative version.

    ...sollte ich jemals in die unglückliche Situation geraten nochmals diesen Film zu sehen, hoffe ich auf eine Kürzestfassung von einer Minute!

  • Man-Eater

    Written on 28. September 2005 by S.U.G.A..
    This customer review refers to a alternative version.

    Ich kann eher den 2. Teil "ANTROPOFHAGUS" empfehlen,natürlich spreche ich von den Uncut-Fassungen. Man Eater hat mich nicht besonders überzeugt.

  • ab 16

    Written on 27. September 2005 by killroy.
    This customer review refers to a alternative version.

    die hier angebotene fassung ist eine "restaurierte langfassung" und ab 16. was das bedeutet ist ja wohl klar. wenn man sich diesen film antun will dann bitte in voller länge!

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