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Theatrical Cut Unwittingly released from Phantom Zone imprisonment, three superpowered Planet Krypton criminals (Terence Stamp, Sarah Douglas and Jack O’Halloran) plan to enslave Earth – just when Superman (Christopher Reeve) decides to show a more romantic side to Lois Lane (Margot Kidder). Gene Hackman also returns as Lex Luthor in this sequel that features a top supporting cast, witty Richard Lester direction, and visuals that astound and delight. The Richard Donner Cut Director Richard Donner began shooting Superman II while concurrently filming Superman: The Movie, though the theatrical version of the film was ultimately directed by Richard Lester

In 2006, Donner’s original unique vision was released for the first time. Jor-El (Marlon Brando in footage cut from the theatrical version) appears in key scenes that amplify Superman lore and deepen the relationship between father and son. Lois Lane plots more schemes to unmask Clark Kent as Superman. With so many changes, large and small, including a different beginning and resolution, this version is an eye-opening alternate experience. Steelbook Finishes • Spot Gloss on Title Treatment and Superman (front) • Spot Gloss on Title Treatment and Superman Logo (reverse) Theatrical Cut On Disc Special Features • Introduction by Director Richard Donner • Commentary by Richard Donner and Tom Mankiewicz • Superman II: Restoring the Vision Featurette • Deleted Scenes The Richard Donner Cut On Disc Special Features • Commentary by Director Richard Donner and Creative Consultant Tom Mankiewicz • Introduction by Richard Donner • Featurette Superman II: Restoring the Vision • Additional Scenes • 8 1940s Famous Studios Superman Cartoons: Japoteurs, Showdown, Eleventh Hour, Destruction, Inc., The Mummy Strikes, Jungle Drums, The Underground World and Secret Agent

Als drei Kriminelle vom Planeten Krypton (Terence Stamp, Sarah Douglas und Jack O´Halloran) wider Erwarten aus ihrer Haft in der Phantomzone entkommen, wollen sie sich die Erde untertan machen - während Superman (Christopher Reeve) gerade Lois Lane (Margot Kidder) den Hof macht. Gene Hackman (als Lex Luthor) ist wie im ersten Film dabei, und mit Spitzendarstellern in den Nebenrollen, Richard Lesters augenzwinkernder Regie sowie verblüffenden und mitreissenden optischen Effekten lohnt sich "Superman 2 - Alein gegen alle", so oft man ihn sich auch anschaut.

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Product details

Director Richard Lester
Actor Christopher Reeve, Gene Hackman, Margot Kidder, Sarah Douglas, Terence Stamp, Jackie Cooper, Jack O'Halloran, Marc Mcclure
Genre Action
Content 2 4K Ultra HDs + 2 Blu-rays
Publication date 03.07.2023
Edition Cinema Version, Steelbook, The Richard Donner Cut
Audio English
Year of production 1980
Original title Superman 2
Version UK Version
Region code B

Cast & Crew

Customer reviews

  • superman 2

    Written on 15. December 2006 by Thierry Nicolier.
    This customer review refers to a alternative version.

    Revoila l'homme d'acier dans une aventure pleine d'humour, d'action et avec toujours le très bon Mrs Reeves

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