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Crest Of The Stars - The Complete Series (2 DVDs)

English · DVD

US Version | Region code 1
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Crest of the Stars: The Complete Series - A massive, highly advanced alien civilization called the Abh Empire invades the human-inhabited planet of Martine. Outclassed, outgunned, and in an effort to avoid bloodshed, the standing president willingly surrenders the world in exchange for a place among the Abh aristocracy. Seven years later, his son, Jinto Lin, is tasked with learning the culture and customs of their new overseers. But while en route to an off-world military school, he meets a spirited Abh princess who will guide him through an impending intergalactic war.

Product details

Director Yasuchika Nagaoka
Genre Action
Science fiction
Content 2 DVDs
Publication date 04.12.2018
Audio Japanese (Dolby Digital)
Subtitles English
Length 5h 25min
Screen 16/9
Year of production 1999
Original title Seikai no monshô (Japanese)
Version US Version
Region code 1

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