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Bushido Man - Seven Deadly Battles

English · Blu-ray

US Version | Region code A
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Upon returning from a pilgrimage across Japan, the warrior Toramaru arrives with tales of seven epic battles against Japan`s most legendary fighters. As Toramaru`s philosophy dictates that he "know the enemy by eating his food," each masterfully choreographed fight is preceded by a helping of his prey`s favorite dish. Designated successor to Master Gensai and leading proponent of the all-around martial-arts discipline, The Cosmic Way, Toramaru tells the tales of The Seven Deadly Battles as Master Gensai eagerly listens to the lavish and violent details of Toramaru`s adventures.

Product details

Director Takanori Tsujimoto
Actor Yasutaka Yuki, Marc Walkow, Naohiro Kawamoto
Genre Action
Content Blu-ray
FSK / age rating from age 16
Publication date 10.06.2014
Audio English, Japanese
Subtitles English
Version US Version
Region code A

Cast & Crew

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