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Rameau - Les Indes Galantes (Bel Air Classique, 2 DVDs)

Englisch · DVD

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When the European youth chooses War above Love, Cupid decides to seek out new followers on other continents. The opera thus recounts the way people love, hate, envy or trust overseas, all the while asking its western audience a burning question: how do we love right? In Dreams of Babel, a documentary about the dance prodigy Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui released on DVD by Bel Air Classiques in 2010, the choreographer explained how shifting identities, multiculturalism, and his own plural heritage as the son of an immigrant, had shaped his dramaturgy and artistic inspiration. Thus, to take on the stage direction for Les Indes Galantes, whose multiple plots take place in a fantasized exotic « elsewhere » supposed to mirror the European society, meant for Cherkaoui bringing the tension between identity and alterity to a whole new level. And the choreographer pushes his reflection much farther than mere baroque specular aesthetics: his Indes Galantes raise the sensible issues of population movements, fragmented and ever-changing territories and borders, but also the refugee crisis that has shaken Europe to its very core… For this new production at the Prinzregenten Theater, Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui brought his own dance ensemble, the Eastman company, as well as a brilliant vocal cast, among which Anna Prohaska, François Lis or Lisette Oropesa. Ivor Bolton conducts a Münchner Festspielorchester at the top of its game.

01. Jean-Philippe Rameau: Les Indes Galantes


Komponisten Jean-Philippe Rameau (1683-1764)
Interpreten Bayerische Staatsoper, Ballett der Bayerischen Staatsoper, Lisette Oropesa, Ivor Bolton, Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui, Goran Juric, Ana Quintans, Tareq Nazmi, Cyril Auvity, Francois Lis, Anna Prohaska
Genre Klassik > Oper
Inhalt 2 DVDs
FSK / Altersfreigabe ab 0 Jahren
Erscheinungsdatum 03.11.2017
Edition Bel Air Classique
Ton Original mit Untertiteln (Dolby Digital 5.1), Original mit Untertiteln (PCM Stereo)
Untertitel Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch, Koreanisch, Japanisch
Extras Bonusmaterial
Laufzeit 180 Minuten
Bildformat 16/9
Produktionsjahr 2017
Ländercode 0



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